Still Trying to Catch-up

Well despite my best efforts to be more regular in my updating this site, I find that nearly a month has passed since my last post. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts the job has taken significant precedence in my life, much to my new wife’s chagrin. Just ask her. Even this morning, she lovingly lamented, “You work too much.” Strangely, it seems as though this year is just a whole lot harder than the past two. As I have mentioned previously, I can only conclude that all the new material and adjustments have finally caught up with me, methinks.

Photo: Me Working Photo: Having Some Fun

Still, this space is a never endingly fun space to just kind of hash out what is going on in our lives. Of course Ali, repeatedly informs me that by now no one actually reads the page anymore. So, what started out as an outlet to force me to write on a regular basis and simultaneously keep people back in the Midwest up to date on my miscellaneous adventures in New England has withered a bit in recent months. Even more annoying is that I am busier more now than ever, but it is almost all work related. So by the time I get home, I usually just want to sit in front of the television or fire up the Playstation, and not have to think a whole lot. Of course mine is a mind that is always racing, so that is pretty hard to do. Nevertheless, I am trying to ease off the longer posts and settle for the shorter snippets with more pictures, since Ali reminds me regularly, “People want to see more photos!”

So here are a couple of more recent photos. Amazingly, Ali, the principle photographer of human subjects, snapped these rather beautiful shots of the city in which we live, and there are surprisingly no human subjects.

Photo: Waltham Mill

Photo: Waltham Mill - Reverse Angle

In keeping with the more photos idea, I am experimenting with some ways to post more wedding photos, since we have finally collected nearly all of them. So I’ll definitely post that when it is finished. Next on the docket is a recap of some of the more fun things we did this fall.

Chowderfest: Marlborough, MA

Photo: Horatio Alger Street Fair entrance

This weekend Ali and I headed off for to Marlborough, the town in which her father lives, for some fall festivities. That’s right autumn is upon us and chill is in the air. The leaves here are beginning to change color, but we haven’t reached the level of leaves like embers on the tree that looks aflame. A few more weeks and the whole area will be alive with “leaf peepers,” at least that is what they call them here. Everything was in place for a beautiful experience of Marlborough’s Horatio Alger Street Fair.

Photo: Ali at Horatio Alger Street Fair

Our primary purpose for attending the event was so I could experience a native New England tradition. It was to be my inaugural Chowderfest. For a mere $2.00 Ali and I embarked on a gastronomic treat that delivered the local flavor. This odyssey would mean the consumption of about eight cups of the New England nectar, all in the name of proper adjudication. Judging from the crowd gathered, I discovered it is calling for patriotic pride and this is civic duty welcomed by nearly all citizens. I am happy to say that not one of these samples was a bucket of paste that can sometimes find its way to your palette. It was a close call, but both of us agreed on our “best–of–the–fest.” Tasty Home Cooking/Corner Pub delivered a delectable dollop of a magnificently spiced stew–like soup, complete with large chunks of clams and potatoes. Although a restaurant called Seafood Coral proved a serious contender, they couldn’t edge the previous “People’s Choice” champion. You can not go wrong with either pick. As it turns out, we were on target with our choices. However, the official results proved to have our order reversed. So, if you’re ever in the greater Marlborough area, located in the far western suburbs of Boston, give them a try.

Photo: German Folk Band

After a large lunch of chowder, we then aimed our sites on the Nashoba Valley Winery for another fall annual occurrence, Oktoberfest. Just like everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, we’re all German for October. Beer and Brats were the order of the day and the locale was teeming with revelers, willing to take the challenge. My favorite aspect was the traditional folk band, playing oom-pah-pah classics. There were even a few lederhosen to be spied on this day. I have to say, it’s hard to resist a little hoch-und-spitz tunage. Our bellies were pretty full from the chowder, so consuming more cuisine was approached with caution. We did, however, sample the beer, of course. That was a given. It was a lovely locale and the place was packed. Perhaps, if the lines were not so long, I could have forced myself to knock some wurst down. Although, I think my guts are more grateful for the abstention. Even Ali cast a weary eye on the fest fare, but managed to find room for a caramel apple, which she amazingly shared with me.