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Select Readings and Thoughts on Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
It definitely has taken some time but after some deliberation, I finally got enough together to try and put together another issue of this newsletter. Now that I am back in the classroom fulltime, it has taken a few weeks to get back into the swing of things. Doing this weekly may still prove harder than I think but I thought I would at least give things a go and see what happens.
Hopefully, I can still produce this regularly. I will do my best.
Here are three+ curated articles about education, technology, and evolutions in teaching.
Like Moths to a Flame – K-12 Cybersecurity Resource Center – Doug Levin (10-minute read)
I saw this piece in recent weeks and thought it was fascinating and balanced look at some of the issues facing IT in public schools. The incident of the student could hardly be properly described as a hacker, at least at first. It reads more as if a better description would have been a trespasser. Yet, as the title suggests the temptation proved to be too much for an adolescent. And, really, is there any adolescent capable of resisting temptation when genuinely curious?
Still, this post provides a window into a complex situation that has no easy answers and is really just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, there are malicious actors that could have done serious damage. Yet, this district looks like they were barely capable of keeping the doors of the building closed, let alone locked. There might as well have been a welcome mat and a staff person inviting anyone inside. Of course, that comparison does not begin to address the real problem.
As we push toward increasingly digital realities data is shared across multiple networks with little to no understanding by those whose data is involved. Even worse, there are not enough qualified people that even understand that central premise working in public education to even begin making decisions about how to handle these kinds of problems. We have been so cavalier about all of this that we now live in a world where data is shared across so many networks and platforms it is difficult to even ascertain the level of vulnerability. Think of it as if a break-in at a neighbor’s house revealed an open door into your own house that you were not even aware existed. That is not as fantastic as it may seem, Plus, when is the last time a representative from any vendor was prosecuted for failing to secure your data?
Is Education a Fundamental Right? – The New Yorker – Jill Lepore (16-minute read)
Given the recent Michigan case that denied the notion that education is a fundamental right, a case cited in this article, the legality of the question looks destined for greater consideration. It may not be a federal right guaranteed by the US Constitution. However, a number of states establish education as a right in their own constitutions, also generally referenced in the article. Yet, what that actually looks like and how it is interpreted is likely to repeatedly challenged over the next decade or so.
While this article focuses more specifically on the Supreme Court case, Plyler v. Doe and the connection to illegal immigrants, I suspect the education of children aspect of the law may be in for a serious revival. It is the kind of angle that could easily be used to advance charter schools, vouchers, and other more sinister attacks on the current institution of public education, which could see a court favorable to those interests.
Billionaires v teachers: the Koch brothers’ plan to starve public education – The Guardian – Steven Greenhouse (6-minute read)
This is the kind of article public educators need to read. It shows how well-monied political advances are set on breaking the public school system. It is not even about “reform” anymore if it ever was. Instead, it is about siphoning even more money out of the public and into private hands. It just simply is not enough that the Koch brothers and others of their ilk have benefitted and continue to rig the system to their benefit and fortunes, further allowing them to influence politics at the federal level and across a number of states too. States are notoriously easier to push around than the federal government anyway.
Anyone advocating school choice is selling fool’s gold, whether they know it or not. There has always been school choice in this country, you can send your child to the publicly funded school or you can send your child to a private school. As far as I am concerned, it is indefensible that private schools should receive any public money of any kind. They are not governed by the kinds of oversight, legal requirements, or transparency that public schools are and there is no legal basis requiring that they even exist, like public schools. In fact, they exist, at least in part, because they reside outside the public system as an alternative.
Consequently, it should not be financed by tax money. There needs to be more grassroots awareness of the kinds of spin and efforts to find any legal loophole available to advance anti-public education efforts as profiled in this report. Without it, education will no longer be a prerequisite for the kind of informed citizenry needed in a democracy because any trace of a democracy will have completely vanished.