Illness reigns in Haas House yet again. The colds we endured on our return to our familial homes reared their ugly heads again, only this time they packed a vengeance.
Good Morning!
Originally uploaded by fritzwinkle
Of course, I was the initiator, again. Having never completely recovered when I reported back to work, it took less than a week for me to begin coughing anew. Before you knew it, I was in full on phlegm and dragging myself to work, just trying to make it to exam week. Next to fall was Hadley, right in line as before, also having never completely rebounded. Our poor little girl has probably had only about two or three days of crackle-free breathing in the last month. Then the stalwart, Ali, finally fell for a second time, and how mightily she has fallen this time. My wife has descended into full-on misery this time ‘round.
View From Our Front Door
Originally uploaded by fritzwinkle
Our weekend consisted of self-imposed quarantine that kept us leaving the house only when absolutely necessary. Kindly, Keri showed up on Saturday night for some football, birthday celebrations, and nursemaiding. We preemptively celebrated my day of origin with nachos and a Patriot win. No imported beef sandwiches this year, but I suspect that tradition will return. While it didn’t bother me so much, Ali seemed to feel a bit guilty about not having them this year. They would likely have been wasted this year anyway, considering that neither of us would have been able to taste the delicious treats.
Digging Out
Originally uploaded by fritzwinkle
What did work out to be a marvelous end to our sick weekend was that today was a SNOW DAY! Normally, a snow day is more of an inconvenience than anything, but it couldn’t have been more welcome at the end of a string of days that none of us felt well. Since Ali was feeling so lousy, she too stayed home, and all three of us had a fortunate extra day of rest!