In the Meantime…

With the last post everything is nearly back in real time. Since returning from the trip, I relentlessly buckled down to finish my Master of Arts in Teaching degree. Mission accomplished. Other than that, it has been getting ready for the new school year, which rapidly approaches. This should explaining The Scarlet Letter in the Reading section. Also interesting is the fact that the one year anniversary of my move to New England has come and gone. Time really flies.

All that aside, with the last breath of summer upon us, Ali and I are taking a holiday and heading for Nova Scotia. Of course we will document the whole trip, complete with pictures, so everyone can see how beautiful the place is. So, in the meantime catch up on all the goings on that you may have missed.

While none of this seemed appropriate to drop in the earlier post, I wanted to also mention that today is my mother’s birthday. So, happy birthday Mom! Here’s hoping your day is a fantastic one!

2 thoughts on “In the Meantime…

  1. Imagine my hurt and dismay to discover spelling errors in the last posting. To say I was shocked and awed is to engage in needless understatement! I have come to rely on as a highly professional source of journalism. At this time I am requesting that my subscription to fritzvanwinkle be refunded and terminated!

  2. You are absolutely correct, sir. No excuses! To think that it took a month for me to notice. That’s downright inexcusable, especially considering I teach the youth of nation English. Sometimes my fingers are not as coordinated as I like and I have to admit that I don’t always proofread as well as I would like. Occasionally in my haste, I fail to catch myself in brutal typing errors. However, I did make the corrections almost immediately upon seeing you comment and promise to endeavor at giving my posts the old once over prior to publishing them for the world to see.

    Thanks for the scolding. ‘Twas well deserved.

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