So I have been getting a lot of pressure about keeping the photos of Hadley updated on a regular basis, and it is not just my wife. Unfortunately, things have been a bit crazy and thwarted many of my efforts to keep uploading more and more new pics. For one, we are still settling into the new digs, albeit extremely slowly. Although as you can see, progress is being made, thanks mainly to Ali and our families. We also bought another car this past week, which was somewhat time consuming and laid waste to most of last weekend. More on that later.
Still so many people continue to be overwhelmingly generous to us, for which we cannot be thankful enough. Many of these pics feature wonderful gifts in use. We, read primarily Ali, have been doing our best to keep up with the thank you cards and hope that none have been missed. Although, we did recently receive a beautiful area rug for Hadley’s room that was on our Babies ‘R’ Us registry. Unfortunately, it had no name, card, nothing attached to let us know from whence it came. So, if any of you out there sent that gift to us, kindly let us know so we can thank you properly.
Also, here are some more pictures from all of our recent out of town visitors. Unfortunately, I still haven’t managed to get all of my electronic tools together and connected yet.