We’re on a New Kind of Clock

When I now think of how often I thought time was elusive before having a child I just have to laugh. What has become more obvious than anything is that Ali and I are simply no longer on our own time. Time is all about Hadley now. Of course this is particularly challenging to Ali and is a difficult thing for anyone without a child to completely understand.

I always hated the pretentious way that sounded when I would hear that sentiment in the past, but our daughter has brought an onrush of realizations that I don’t think I gave enough previous consideration. Preparing to leave the house for any reason is now logistical mobilization. Moreover, once we are ready to go we have a fairly limited window before Hadley needs some kind of tending. It is definitely an adjustment.

One of the fascinating things about when we do take Hadley with us out in public is what a magnet she is. I mean I always knew babies possessed such power, but it is different being the parent as strangers arrive to ogle your kid. In fact, I find myself being sucked into another line I previously dismissed pretty readily, “They grow so fast.” Yet, it is already proving to be so true.

I am gaining some powerful insights into the notion that there will just simply never be enough time, because it really moves so fast.

But enough of all this rot, here are some pictures of the kid. I have to say number 3 “What Are You Lookin’ At?” has to be my favorite picture of her yet, goofy, cute, and lots of personality.

Of course the above images are linked to the original files, but click below for a short video collage. What you think of this?


Yet Another Distraction from Frequent Posting

While the turmoil of change this summer has been documented, one of the things that has been occupying some of my time and keeping me from posting is research. Once again I have been steeped in technology research on the web. Mostly, I have been trolling for things that could enrich my classroom practice, but as I have immersed myself in podcasts, rss feeds, and the like I keep stumbling on more and more cool tools and gadgets. Some things I have been on to for a while but hadn’t really had an opportunity to play with much and others are just popping up everytime I sit down at my computer for longer than ten minutes. For instance, the way I embedded the gallery of images of UMass – Boston from the last post is a new tool I recently discovered.

There are so many cool bits exploding all over the web right now, take that new embedded iPod at the top of the right-hand column as another example. Initially, I only harvested some songs in the preexisting gallery to play with it and see what it was like, because it just looked so cool. Now I have uploaded a small sample of songs by artists that most of you haven’t heard but happen to be some of my favorites. So press play and have a listen and let me know what you think about the music, the new items that I am sprinkling on the site, anything.

I love it when people leave comments. It makes the whole site a cooler place to visit. Fortunately, Blogger (the service I have been using to post content) has made leaving comments a whole lot easier.

Reception 2.0 – Massachusetts Style

Still haven’t got many additional photos from the wedding, but my guess is they will be rolling in now that we are back in town. However, I do have a few images from our reception 2.0 at the home and garden of Ali’s dad in lovely Marlborough.

Photo: Party Patio

I must say that it was actually a pretty entertaining bash, considering the heat was mind numbing. Had it been a little cooler methinks that we all would have had even more fun. Still, to all that headed out west for our suarez, many thanks. We were so pleased that so many people could be there. While we are extreemely grateful for the wonderfully generous gifts, we really were most glad that we got to see you all, break bread (or naan as it was), and chat while imbibing some cool adult beverages. I do sort of selfishly wish that I had not been so hobbled by the untimely ankle sprain, but I tried not to let it slow me down. I may have paid the price on that a little but it was worth it.

Photo: Woodbridge Staff Escape

So I guess it bodes well that in our young matrimonial life we have had the luck of throwing two parties, both under extreme conditions, and we haven’t looked to cancel the deal yet. From buckets of rain to the most dogged days of summer our receptions were memorable to say the least. And to think that we had liquor left on both occasions, suprisingly. Plus, I think we ate Indian food over the next five days; it’s a good thing we like it so much!

Photo: Pin the Ring on the Groom

Photo: Blindfolded Victim

As the pictures clearly show fun was had by all, eventhough they may have felt a bit like a melting popsicle. From a pinata full of candy to stick the ring on the groom (a spin on pin the tail on the donkey), those that endured the heat longer were rewarded with more of such good wholesome fun. In fact, some people were even known to make bufoon’s of themsleves!

Photo: Badminton