Becoming Hadley’s History

As Ali pointed out, it seems like an eternity since the last posting here at ye olde fritzwinkle, which may well have to change Hadley’s History. My personal site has become a virtual photo album of my daughter’s increasing cuteness.

Second Haircut - before Second Haircut - after

Keeping with the theme, Hadley has recently cut her first tooth! It is not quite visible without great effort yet, however the sharp little razor can definitely be felt. Shortly after her eight month birthday and only a single night of waking with some pain, I was the first to notice the invading incisor. Everyday it seems to be poking a little further above her gumline. I even got to brush it recently, using a special little tooth brush, which was kind of fun. She doesn’t seem to mind much either, making it even more fun.

8 month birthday

Also, since the last post, we celebrated our first Mother’s Day. Ali seemed to enjoy the day, which began with my anticipating both her and the baby with pancakes. Then she got to open her modest presents, a commemoratively inscribed picture frame and earrings with Hadley’s birthstone, two square-cut blue sapphires. Overall, it was a pleasant day. The weather was cooperative and later in the afternoon, we headed to the in-laws for a nice dinner.

Practicing Standing Mother's Day

A few weeks ago, Hadley attended her inaugural Boston Marathon on another day of wonderful weather, at least for the spectators. It may have got a bit warm for the runners. Still we retook seating at the base of Heartbreak Hill in Newton, near the two Johnny Kelly statues, after opting to miss last year’s event, as a result of monsoon-like conditions. Hadley is such a good sport it still astonishes me regularly. She is happy and relatively peaceful everywhere, so easygoing neither Ali nor I can hardly believe it. The marathon was no different. She ate lunch through the sirens of the police lead cars without a hitch and later took a nap during the applause for the tens of thousands of runners that passed.

At the Boston Marathon

Marathon Girls

Recently, Hadley finally got her first Red Sox cap, a veritable birthright for New Englanders everywhere. Thanks to Aunt Keri, Hadley is now sporting the essential local fashion accessory. We are feeling pretty good about it, considering how much charm she seemed to bring the Patriots, one game withstanding, wearing their garb. Plus, she will fit right in for our planned trip to see AAA farm team Pawtucket. She doesn’t seem to have quite the same interest in baseball that she had for football, but I blame late-night games.

Red Sox Cap

Lastly, we have begun taking Hadley to church, where she is all the rage. We figured if we were going to get her baptized, it made sense to find a church that appealed to both of us. Plus, Hadley needed a place to wear all those fancy dresses and the like that her Grandma keeps sending. We seem to have found one, although we garner a lot more attention than we expected in such a small congregation, especially with the cutest baby ever in our arms. Despite my strategically sitting on the aisle, ready to make a quick escape should Hadley begin to cry or get uncomfortable, she has yet to assist me. Having already mentioned her sweet nature, she rarely makes a peep and usually takes a nap in my arms. At least Ali lets me go to Dunkin’ Donuts after the service. We haven’t gotten comfortable enough to hang out for coffee hour and snacks just yet.

Showing off her dress

Here are even more photos from this month.

Hadley Meets Her First TV Celebrity

About a week ago, Ali and Keri got wind of a local appearance by TLC star carpenter Andrew Dan Jumbo. The girls were instantly giddy with the prospects that they would get to meet the Trading Spaces fabricator in the funny t-shirts. Little did I know that it was to be part of larger conspiracy that had both me and Hadley along for the ride.

Kickin' It in the Hat & Shades Me and Hadley

Amazingly, there was not nearly the throngs of people expected when we arrived at the furniture store that was hosting. So there we all were waiting in a rather short line to meet Dan Yojimbo, when the promotional team got a glimpse of the real star, Hadley. Instantly, a gaggle of young women were ogling and inquiring about our little girl. Ali answered all questions while I managed the little one and the girls waited in line. Ironically, Hadley and I became subjects of photos by the Andy Boy Bimbo staff. I didn’t even realize that until afterwards, when Ali and Keri mentioned it. So who was the celebrity? That’s the real question.

Had Ali liked this photograph below more, it likely would have been our Christmas picture. Mind you I am conspicuously absent.

Ali, Hadley, and Andrew

Despite my having a little fun with his name in this post, he was remarkably personable and friendly. The real name thing came from my never remembering it correctly when the girls first started mentioning wanting to go. Nevertheless, Andrew was really a nice guy and was in no hurry to move through the people that did come out to see him. The line did definitely pick up while we were there, but he chatted with everyone, took photos with people, and signed pictures promoting his new TLC show Take Home Handyman.

Hadley Flirting with Andrew

It was just kind of amusing how much Hadley stole the show, a little. Even Andrew was quite taken with her. He loved her name and spent a considerably longer time doodling and writing on his autographed photo for her. It was quite endearing actually. Sadly, he didn’t spend as much time with Keri, as she would have liked. That could have something to do with her degenerating into a giggling schoolgirl, but even that was cute. Keri’s ensemble matched so much you would have thought they called each other and coordinated, as the photo shows. The selection of proper to-shirt for the occasion was a key element for both Keri and Hadley, to appeal to Andrew Dan Jumbo’s love of the clever t-shirt.

Keri and TV Boyfriend

Happy Easter from Our Little Bunny

Well, Spring’s arrival appeared on the calendar far sooner than she has shown her head in New England. Thankfully, the snow has disappeared, but the rain and the wind has left us wanting for some nicer weather, to be sure. For a week or so I was just hoping that our ramshackle sump pump set-up didn’t completely fail and leave us with an indoor pool.

My Hair Feels Good Sleeping with Bunny

Got My Toes!

Ali at Work with Decorating Eggs My egg cracked.  Mehhh :(

What is rushing upon us is the succession of holidays. Only a week apart, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter have created quite a buzz, with all kinds of wardrobe considerations for our young Miss Hadley, as you can see. Considering how much she is growing and how fast, it is a good thing we have so many options, otherwise every photo would have a bit more of a sausage feel. Since she has yet to get a handle on the crawling, she has gotten round in all the right places, our little doughy one.

Fred and Ali's Easter Eggs Keri Dipping Eggs

What? I Didn't Hear That Me and My Cotton Tail are Outta Here

She is, as you can see, one heck of a hambone. Ali has definitely trained her well. It’s already challenging to get a shot of her without her looking right into the lens with a big grin. She intuitively poses already, as well. However, Ali has begun lamenting that Hadley has recently begun to take on a distinctly Haas male trait of blinking during photos, although I have not been able to confirm this of late.

Neener, Neener, Neener!

What's That? Mommy's Bunny

I must admit that I was a bit of a curmudgeon, imagine that, when my lovely wife walked in the door with little bunny ears, inquiring why we needed them. To which she responded, “You wait and see.” Well, she couldn’t have been more right. I think it was the best $1.00 she has spent in recent weeks. I am not sure that some of these pics would score the same cuteness factor without those fake ears, but I’ll let you be the judge.

I'm Comin' For You!