Winter Arrives: Hadley’s First Real Snow

So Autumn departed with haste as Winter chased her away a couple of days early. Within the last couple of weeks New England has taken a weather beating, to be sure.

Fallen Limbs   Some Neighbor's Damage

Just over a week ago the worst ice storm in years ravaged central Massachusetts with vengeance, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of homes, ours included. Ali and I routinely awoke during the night of the storm to the sound of snapping tree limbs. It wasn’t until daylight that we could truly see the devastation. Our neighborhood looked as though it had been hit by a hurricane. While what trees that were left standing were beautiful, it was a dangerous beauty. As limbs continued to fall most of the morning, smashing into whatever lay in their way, most our cul-de-sac was plunged into the powerless.

Split Trees - Backyard   Hazardous Travel

No electricity and no heat resulted in our having to pack up the baby and vacate, seeking safe harbor at the in-laws for a spell, but not before our basement filled with five inches of seeping water. With no functioning sump pump, there was little we could do. Fortunately, we didn’t lose much. We were pretty well prepared to battle the occasional water in the basement. It has never been as bad as that, however.

Digging Out

Less than week later, while many in the area are still without power, the first major snow storm struck, and it had a mean streak. The snow arrived on Friday afternoon around 2:00PM and did not leave until 6:00PM Sunday. There is easily over a foot of white powder covering everything.

Mischief   Ready for the Elements

I Don't Know About This   Playing in the Snow - 1

As we headed out for one of our shoveling episodes, Hadley got to enjoy her first real look at the snow. She wasn’t completely sure what to make of it, but she was clearly fascinated. She has taken quite a liking to watching the snowplow trucks clear the street. As soon as she hears them rumbling down the street, she runs to the windows to catch a glimpse. It is quite cute, really.

Maybe this is fun!   Playing in the Snow - 2

Happy Easter from Our Little Bunny

Well, Spring’s arrival appeared on the calendar far sooner than she has shown her head in New England. Thankfully, the snow has disappeared, but the rain and the wind has left us wanting for some nicer weather, to be sure. For a week or so I was just hoping that our ramshackle sump pump set-up didn’t completely fail and leave us with an indoor pool.

My Hair Feels Good Sleeping with Bunny

Got My Toes!

Ali at Work with Decorating Eggs My egg cracked.  Mehhh :(

What is rushing upon us is the succession of holidays. Only a week apart, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter have created quite a buzz, with all kinds of wardrobe considerations for our young Miss Hadley, as you can see. Considering how much she is growing and how fast, it is a good thing we have so many options, otherwise every photo would have a bit more of a sausage feel. Since she has yet to get a handle on the crawling, she has gotten round in all the right places, our little doughy one.

Fred and Ali's Easter Eggs Keri Dipping Eggs

What? I Didn't Hear That Me and My Cotton Tail are Outta Here

She is, as you can see, one heck of a hambone. Ali has definitely trained her well. It’s already challenging to get a shot of her without her looking right into the lens with a big grin. She intuitively poses already, as well. However, Ali has begun lamenting that Hadley has recently begun to take on a distinctly Haas male trait of blinking during photos, although I have not been able to confirm this of late.

Neener, Neener, Neener!

What's That? Mommy's Bunny

I must admit that I was a bit of a curmudgeon, imagine that, when my lovely wife walked in the door with little bunny ears, inquiring why we needed them. To which she responded, “You wait and see.” Well, she couldn’t have been more right. I think it was the best $1.00 she has spent in recent weeks. I am not sure that some of these pics would score the same cuteness factor without those fake ears, but I’ll let you be the judge.

I'm Comin' For You!

Still Trying to Catch-up

Well despite my best efforts to be more regular in my updating this site, I find that nearly a month has passed since my last post. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts the job has taken significant precedence in my life, much to my new wife’s chagrin. Just ask her. Even this morning, she lovingly lamented, “You work too much.” Strangely, it seems as though this year is just a whole lot harder than the past two. As I have mentioned previously, I can only conclude that all the new material and adjustments have finally caught up with me, methinks.

Photo: Me Working Photo: Having Some Fun

Still, this space is a never endingly fun space to just kind of hash out what is going on in our lives. Of course Ali, repeatedly informs me that by now no one actually reads the page anymore. So, what started out as an outlet to force me to write on a regular basis and simultaneously keep people back in the Midwest up to date on my miscellaneous adventures in New England has withered a bit in recent months. Even more annoying is that I am busier more now than ever, but it is almost all work related. So by the time I get home, I usually just want to sit in front of the television or fire up the Playstation, and not have to think a whole lot. Of course mine is a mind that is always racing, so that is pretty hard to do. Nevertheless, I am trying to ease off the longer posts and settle for the shorter snippets with more pictures, since Ali reminds me regularly, “People want to see more photos!”

So here are a couple of more recent photos. Amazingly, Ali, the principle photographer of human subjects, snapped these rather beautiful shots of the city in which we live, and there are surprisingly no human subjects.

Photo: Waltham Mill

Photo: Waltham Mill - Reverse Angle

In keeping with the more photos idea, I am experimenting with some ways to post more wedding photos, since we have finally collected nearly all of them. So I’ll definitely post that when it is finished. Next on the docket is a recap of some of the more fun things we did this fall.