Hadley’s Latest Discovery – Her Thumb!

A recent development on the Hadley front is her discovery of her thumb. In the last couple of days, she has started to get just enough control of her hands that she can routinely land one of her mits around her mouth consistently. This has opened a whole new set of oral options. No more Nuk, the knuckle is where it’s at. Currently, she is most fond of the lower thumb knuckle and upper, outside portion of the palm. However, she can hook the whole thumb between her gums occasionally, which is her newfound joy. Let me say, when it happens, she is working that thing, gnawin’, suckin’, chompin’, and slurpin’ to her little heart’s content. It is quite a sight to see, rather comical in fact.

Also, Hadley has found a new favorite pastime, tracking those floating animals hanging from her mobile. She loves the mobiles! She will sit and watch them, cooing and babbling. She gets all excited with the musical one above her bed. If only its tune and motion lasted longer, because it induces all kinds of kicks and wiggles. She has a particular fondness for the blue critters, the blue elephant above her bed and the blue toucan above her swing. There is even a blue elephant printed on the apron of the swing that transfixes our little girl. As a result, Ali has dubbed that one Rasputin, because of his spellbinding powers over Hadley. The pics should attest to this new mobile fascination.

Hopefully, many of you have had the chance to enjoy the photo book from the previous post. I thought it was one of the cooler Flickr tools out there. Plan on seeing some more books soon. I am thinking that Christmas will make for a fantastic one!

I also want to point out that I have begun including a ranking system for posts. So take the time and let me know what you like. While I love it when people leave comments too, clicking on a star is a bit easier, to be sure. Plus, it would be nice to see what people other than Ali think abou the posts.

On a completely different front, the soccer season is finally over, for which I am grateful. As much as I love the game and coaching, even the team I had this year, I am so glad to have some more time during the day. Of course, promptly after the season finished I found a way to break my big toe playing at a coaching clinic. That was a lot of fun, let me tell you. So as a player, I am on the shelf through the Holidays.

Hadley’s First Online Photo Book

I came across this little tool and thought it too cool to pass up. So here are some new photos of our little baby girl in her first fall season. To think she already has been with us over two months!

Directions: Click the box to activate the book. Then click the lower corner of any page to flip the pages back and forth. If you hold the mouse over the corner, the page will begin to curl, signaling the click.


Hope you enjoy book number one.

Many Thanks and More from Visits

So I have been getting a lot of pressure about keeping the photos of Hadley updated on a regular basis, and it is not just my wife. Unfortunately, things have been a bit crazy and thwarted many of my efforts to keep uploading more and more new pics. For one, we are still settling into the new digs, albeit extremely slowly. Although as you can see, progress is being made, thanks mainly to Ali and our families. We also bought another car this past week, which was somewhat time consuming and laid waste to most of last weekend. More on that later.

Photo: Me working amidst the chaos as Grandma watches the baby.

Photo: Hadley's Room - Before Photo: Hadley with Grandma

Photo: Hadley's Room - After

Still so many people continue to be overwhelmingly generous to us, for which we cannot be thankful enough. Many of these pics feature wonderful gifts in use. We, read primarily Ali, have been doing our best to keep up with the thank you cards and hope that none have been missed. Although, we did recently receive a beautiful area rug for Hadley’s room that was on our Babies ‘R’ Us registry. Unfortunately, it had no name, card, nothing attached to let us know from whence it came. So, if any of you out there sent that gift to us, kindly let us know so we can thank you properly.

Photo: More Hadley with Grandma

Photo: Hadley Hating Her New Swing Photo: Hadley with Grandma and Mommy

Photo: Hadley's First Ride in Her Jeep

Also, here are some more pictures from all of our recent out of town visitors. Unfortunately, I still haven’t managed to get all of my electronic tools together and connected yet.